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       如果没有一个明确的目标,任何市场经营都是非常困难的。作为一个品牌商,优秀的市场战略、新品研发投入、与人的链接都是必须的要素。我们非常看重这种人和人之间产生的化学反应,并把它称之为“H to H affect”。





       The market is not easy if you don’t have a perfect goal or something you want to achieve. You need to have a good strategy and the will to invest in product development and traveling to meet the people in person. The H to H affect what I always call (Human to Human). It is super important to build the human and transparent relation with your partners to gain the trust.

       it is the trend for companies to play on the trend of the time being “sustainable”. But only telling that you are sustainable is not enough especially not those days anymore. Because there is a lot of “bla bla” but when you look into details nothing much sustainable in inside. So when you really want to be sustainable in everything you have to do it and make it happen. And then you have a big chance to succeed, even with  higher price.

       It is important for Chinese factories to have their own personality and believe in what they can do. They should invest in designers from Europe and if they want to have success in Europe they should work with some people who are based in Europe to be close to their partners or customers.

       A new trend also in China. More and more specialty stores and lifestyle stores are coming. People who want to buy different and in many cases “not made in China”. This is a trend.

       Partners that show me trust and transparency. People who want to build the business hand in hand in a sustainable way.









       About eighty percent of the toys sold in the United States are manufactured in China. For this reason toys manufactured in China are classified into electronic, mechanical, plastic and wooden toys. Although this may be true toy manufactures in China still lag behind foreign toy makers in terms of brand and innovative product design. Some mainland manufactures strive to stand out in the toy market through product differentiation in such areas as trendy educational toy sectors. In this case, Chinese toy manufacturers should consider Black America toys or baby products as an excellent and profitable idea that is a good business practice. And likewise Black America should create a toy or baby products trade delegation to attend China Toy Expo (CTE) 2020 and beyond.

       With this in mind, my perspectives on the trend and demand for toy or baby products industry would be of great mutual benefit when Black America and Chinese manufactures begin to collaborate on joint projects.









       SNI 法规自 2014 年开始试实施,2015 年成为强制性标准,这项国家标准(SNI)是印度尼西亚技术委员会制定由印尼国际标准局发布的,SNI的认证要求是每次海运都要做相应认证。如果贸易商和销售商违规交易不符合SNI标准的产品,将会面临罚款,商品销毁以至撤销商业许可的处罚,违规者甚至会面临刑事诉讼。所以中国企业向印尼出口产品时,应该特别注意印尼的相关法律法规,降低相关风险,以进一步拓展中国和印尼企业的合作空间。




       Peraturan SNI sejak tahun 2014 dan disempurnakan tahun 2015 sebagai SNI wajib jika pelaku usaha/pedagang memperdagangkan akan kena sangsi hukuman penarikan dan pemusnahan barang bahkan denda, jika ada korban akan kena sangsi pidana

       Peraturan K3L dikeluarkan pada 14 Agust 2019 baru diperlakukan, sosialisasi 1 tahun dan penindakkan tahun depan mulai 14 agust 2020, peraturan K3L untuk produk yang belum wajib SNI, pengajuan izin K3L diajukan Direktorat Tertib Niaga Kementerian Perdagangan, peraturan K3L berlaku 5 tahun sedangkan SNI per shipping, yang mengajukan K3L perusahaan importir/perusahaan Indonesia yang memasukkan produk

       Peraturan Label tentang keterangan produk/barang dapam bahasa Indonesia

       1. Asal barang

       2. Bahan baku produk

       3. Cara perawatan produk

       Peraturan Label dari Kementerian Perdagangan direktorat Pengawasan Barang beredar dan Jasa





       Artyk 公司成立于1989年,经过30年的努力从一个小公司逐步成长为了波兰最大的玩具批发商之一,并且拥有了自己的品牌。我们有很多自有品牌,其中的一个品牌中,我们尝试把科技和经典玩具元素结合一起,吸引更多的小玩家们。
























       Eastern Europe is growing faster and faster, chasing more wealthy EU countries. For the import managers this is a chance to show off, since new challenges are emerging.


       Due to consumer requirements, companies in Eastern Europe face a challenge of choosing high quality products, but at competitive price. It should be remembered that these products are subject to the same quality standards, functioning in other EU countries (such as Germany, France or England). In most cases however, our consumers have smaller budgets than their counterparts in these countries.


       Not only children have less and less free time (due to many additional activities), but also smartphones and applications provide them a lot of entertainment, stealing younger consumers. The age of the children playing with traditional toys is greatly reduced. That is why we put a strong focus on toys for younger children (infants and preschool age). At the same time, we want to adapt these toys to the specific requirements of customers from our market. We try to implement "added value" to these products, which will not only distinguish us from the competition, but additionally enhance / make the product for children more attractive. We focus on the child's education and development through joyful play.


       Another group of products, that we specialize in, combines new technologies with classic toys, allowing us to introduce a new quality in our services. Thus, we can successfully address older children, who systematically move away from classic toys. Key point here is that such an operation is intuitive and does not require large funds to regionalize applications / software, because this is often an unconquerable obstacle for smaller markets.


       I believe that these trends will become widespread for the companies dealing with classic toys in our local market, when adapting the product to the customer and combining the old with the new will be a necessity.













       Conventionally, China industries are considered as the world factory based on comparative price, rich manpower and resource, developing technologies and so on. Therefore, many factories in China focus to manufacture mass-production or OEM·ODM based items. And it is the best way to improve the production capability and leading the industries in worldwide.

       Recent years, China is not only the world factory but also the biggest consumption market. Based on the No. 1 population in global, the market is getting bigger and the consumer looks for better quality items. It occurs that many factories move to other countries which are providing better service supporting set-up or manage the factory such as South-east Asia or Africa because these countries are willing to invite foreign capital to develop their economy.

       In Baby Goods industry, it is clear circumstance the birth rate among developed countries is going down because many parents have only one child and raise the child in better environment. They are more concerning to provide educational and creditable product for their child, that is, the cost is not the first issue anymore for them.

       It is important that the factory has to have and develop its own brand. In addition, it is necessary to change the production style from the mass production to small quantity batch production. Global customers included China look for unique, special items for only child. The factory needs to endeavor customized products for various requirements from the various markets to provide customers’ satisfaction.







       尽管如此,马来西亚的婴幼儿产品需求依然庞大。根据国际市场研究公司EUROMONITOR INTERNATIONAL的调查,在2017年,马来西亚玩具及婴幼儿产品的销售额增加至7亿6600万令吉(约1亿8900万美元),预计未来5年的年均复合增长率( CAGR)为6%,预计在2022年可达10亿600万令吉(约2亿4800万美元)。值得一提的是,由于新生儿减少,家庭规模缩小,越来越多父母愿意花钱购买品质和安全性更高的玩具和婴幼儿产品。


















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