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Paper Packaging’s Popularity is Evident
2 Last year
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News about major brands testing paper bottles has scored well so far this year, as well as other sustainability developments, in our half year review.

What’s happening in sustainable packaging these days? Quite a lot. So much that when we looked at the best-read sustainability articles on at 2022’s halfway point, we couldn’t limit it to just the top five or top 10 because of the sheer volume of page views of more than a dozen pieces.

So, here are the top 15 packaging sustainability items our packaging community found riveting this year — and for good reason. Among them are paper packaging projects by Coca-Cola, Grupo Modelo, Absolut, and Kraft Heinz; a compostable packaging experiment from Frito-Lay; reusable packages from Unilever and Kroger; new bioplastics; and exciting developments in recycling for flexible packaging.

These interesting and informative developments can inspire you to set and achieve your own packaging sustainability goals. Enjoy!

Lisa McTigue Pierce

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